Category Archives: Star Wars

I’ll give you three guesses what this category is about…

Sci-Fi Starship Size Comparison Chart

[inspic=59,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] A comparison of the sizes of ships from various sci-fi series. Pretty neat if you’ve ever wondered how the Enterprise sized up against an imperial star destroyer. Full size (read: ginormous) images with readable text and explanations at the link below.

Darth Vader Prank

Really insanely busy, but this is funny. Darth Vader being a jerk.

Next Generation Star Wars Game

Next generation Star Wars game. Looks really nice. Seems to be set after/during Episode III, during the Jedi purge, which I think would be a really neat era to play in. Hopefully it will be released for the PC as well as the XBOX 360, the Revolution and the PS3 (Playstation) =P I don’t find […]

Star Wars Parody

Just a quick little post so as not to be accused of not updating =) A funny little Star Wars parody where someone dubbed over C3P0 and R2d2’s voices with some interesting dialog.

Star Trek vs. Star Wars

Not bad for being made completely from footage edited from movies and tv episodes.

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