Category Archives: Movies

Hmmmm stuff about movies? Could be…

X-Men 3

[inspic=72,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] I just finished watching the 3rd X-men movie, X-Men the Last Stand (yeah I know, I live in Japan, things come out a lot later here and I didn’t feel like going to the movie theater to see it by myself anyway) and I enjoyed it overall. There have been a lot of complains […]

Kevin Smith could have done it better ;)

If only “Superman Lives!” (If bad language offends, don’t press play)

TMNT I know I’m a bit out of touch, living on the other side of the planet and all, but are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles still popular?! I mean, do kids still buy their toys and such?

Bringing back the dead

For a movie appearance… Video of how they managed to get Marlon Brando (deceased) to not only reprise his role as Superman’s father in the new Superman Returns, but actually got him to say new lines. (links directly to a quicktime movie)

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