Category Archives: Internet Time Wasters

Stuff about time wasting stuff on the Web that doesn’t fit in any of the other categories

Abandoned Amusement Parks

[mygal=amusementpark] Website of a Japanese photographer who does a series on “ruin”. As part of that series he took a ton of pictures of abandoned amusement parks. The website is mostly in Japanese but it’s easy enough to navigate. The white buttons at the bottom of each photo page are “Contents” “Previous” and “Next”. [inspic=225,,,0] […]

Dolphin Olympics

[inspic=224,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Here’s a neat little web-based flash game where you play a dolphin and have to control it to swim and jump and do tricks. A little hard to get used to the controls at first, but after a few tries it’s a lot of fun.

Helm’s Deep in Candy

[inspic=223,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] This has been making the rounds in the “blogosphere” lately. This past Christmas Vacation my brothers, sister, myself and my girlfriend built a scale replica of the battle of Helms Deep, from the second book of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Two Towers penned by the late, great, J.R.R. Tolkien. Pictures and […]

French CG Animations

A couple of neat CG animation videos from a French animation school (you can find more on their website under “GALERIE” -> “FILMS” links, just pick a year). Little Red Riding Hood or Chaperon rouge A bit of a twist on Little Red Riding hood, very beautifully animated. Bus Stop A funny little short about […]

Freaky Russian Playgrounds

[inspic=198,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Go look at some pictures of weird (and sometimes scary) Russian children’s playgrounds.

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