Category Archives: Internet Time Wasters

Stuff about time wasting stuff on the Web that doesn’t fit in any of the other categories

Dirty Jobs

These are clips from Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe from the discovery channel. It’s essentially a show where the host, Mike Rowe, travels around and learns about dirty jobs by doing them. It’s one of my favorite shows and I would probably watch it more if I could get my hands on more episodes. I […]

Atari music video

This is old but still good. A music video made entirely with old Atari 2600-type graphics and (authentic?) sounds.

Meat Cake

[inspic=48,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] This is making the rounds on the web lately so I thought I might as well post it too. Meat cake:

Funny Japanese TV Commercial

Still busy, but I need to either take a break or go absolutely insane from nearly a week straight of translating =P Rant about video game translation coming soon =P Funny Japanese commercial for Ransael, which is a Japanized French/German term for these horrible bright red/black leather backpacks that elementary school kids here use. They […]

Darth Vader Prank

Really insanely busy, but this is funny. Darth Vader being a jerk.

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