Category Archives: Internet Time Wasters

Stuff about time wasting stuff on the Web that doesn’t fit in any of the other categories

Your silhouette immortal

[inspic=74,left,fullscreen,thumb][inspic=73,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] This is pretty cool, this company will use a lathe to cut your silhouette into a wooden knick knack. A bit pricey but still neat.

X-Men 3

[inspic=72,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] I just finished watching the 3rd X-men movie, X-Men the Last Stand (yeah I know, I live in Japan, things come out a lot later here and I didn’t feel like going to the movie theater to see it by myself anyway) and I enjoyed it overall. There have been a lot of complains […]

Fun puzzle

[inspic=71,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] This is a neat little flash puzzle. There are 8 people, a family consisting of a mother, father, 2 sons and 2 daughters, and also a policeman and a convict. You have to use the raft to get everyone across the river but there are a few qualifications. Only 2 people can get on […]

Pythagoras Switch

Pythagoras switch, a Japanese science TV show, this episode is on coating teddy bears with hair using static electricity.

More fun Webgames

I really enjoyed these two… [inspic=69,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] [inspic=70,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] The bow game in particular suckers me in because I love stuff where you can customize and upgrade your stuff. There’s a bunch of neat games at the creator’s website here… The sound effects all seem to be the creator going “pow! Boom!” etc. which […]

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