Category Archives: Funny

Funny stuff that doesn’t fit in any of the other caterories

Terrible, terrible fight scene

Horribly done fight scene from a Cynthia Rothrock movie. So bad it’s good. A bit of fake blood and stuff so click the link below to see the vid.

Weird ass Nike Commercial

Really, really weird Nike commercial. Just click play, no words will suffice.

I dunno

But just click play. You won’t be sorry… or maybe you will. Either way it should be interesting…

Natalie Dee & Toothpaste for Dinner

Here are a few comics from two of my favorite Webcomics which I read practically everyday ( & The comics are by a husband and wife and have kind of similar themes but they are both hilarious and there is another comic ( which is a collaboration between the two. Most of the comics […]

Cute animation

[inspic=201,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] A fun little animation for a soccer commercial.

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