Category Archives: Funny

Funny stuff that doesn’t fit in any of the other caterories

Street Fighter Play

While we’re on the subject of martial arts and Street Fighter in particular, I found this funny. A little play (at an anime event or something I assume) of Ryu and Ken training. Pretty funny.

Neat Comic – Gone with the Blastwave

A great comic with somewhat black humor, but beautifully illustrated and really funny. [inspic=179,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Click the banner for the main site or here’s the first comic

Funny pictures

Some fun pictures compiled with a really good Japanese song.

Candy Mountain

Weird, funny, I dunno, just watch =)

Street Fighter the later years

[inspic=176,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Street fighter the later years. Fun video if you were into the game.

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