Category Archives: Interesting

Stuff that is interesting but doesn’t really fit in any of the other categories

Neat Martial Arts Exhibition

Really fun to watch, good timing with the sound effects and all, oh and a shouryuken and hadoken for good measure. As an extra entertainment bonus go read the comments on the video or on any martial arts related video on YouTube to see what a bunch of twats the vast majority of people interested […]


[inspic=197,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Another quick Christmasy/holiday entry. A nice little flash game with a winter/Christmas type thing. Very beautifully done for such a simple game.


[inspic=196,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] A neat little Christmas/holiday thing. Go cut out a flash paper snowflake, write a message on it and toss it out into the snow storm for others to see/respond to. Really neat idea. On top of that once the total number of snow flakes reaches certain numbers the organization behind the site will donate […]

Sepak Takraw (Like kung-fu volleyball)

So I’ve just discovered this game called Sepak Takraw. It’s kind of like volleyball, but it’s played with the feet. The players do these crazy overhead and flipping kicks to hit the ball over the net. Insane. I can’t even imagine the level of skill it takes to be able to control the ball this […]

Neat music video

Really neat video done with time lapse photography. Creator’s website is here:

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