Category Archives: Interesting

Stuff that is interesting but doesn’t really fit in any of the other categories

Denki Groove Flashback Disco

Really weird video from Denki Groove An anthropomorphic cow which blows smoke from it’s nose singing and dancing along to music by some weird pokemon looking dj who is also cooking something in an oven while djing… Yeah, I dunno, just watch it, it’s interesting.

Hang Drum – I want one!

This looks like a lot of fun. It’s called a hang drum (or just a “hang” according to Wikipedia, but since Wiki is the only source I can find that refers to it without the drum I’d take that with a grain of salt). Unfortunately it seems you either have to go to Switzerland to […]

Half Life 2 I-Pod Style Music Video

This is really neat. A half life 2 music video done in the style of the I-Pod commercials using sounds (gunfire mostly) from the game to create the music. Really well done. You can find more stuff from the creators (name Mighty Crane Films, which you should “get” if you play any HL2 deathmatch) at […]

Johnny Hollow

[inspic=508,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Neat website for the band Johnny Hollow. Kind of w creepy goth/industrial/something or other band, but neat music and website. Wikipedia describes them as: Johnny Hollow is a cello rock band currently based in Guelph, Ontario in Canada. The band has been described as “Gothic chamber music for the 21st century” and it combines […]

Keith Thompson Artwork

[inspic=503,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Really nice fantasy artwork that I just stumbled on by an artist named Keith Thompson. Here’s his site:

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