Category Archives: Fantasy

The dragons and wizards type, not the leather and whips type

George Lucas Lord of the Rings

What if George Lucas made the LotR movies? Very funny, and dead on parody animation. Mind you, I’m not the biggest fan of the Peter Jackson movies either, but I really think Lucas has either lost his mind or just doesn’t give a shit anymore.

Keith Thompson Artwork

[inspic=503,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Really nice fantasy artwork that I just stumbled on by an artist named Keith Thompson. Here’s his site:

Hellholes AtomFilms series

Sorry for the lack of posting about anything other than the ever exciting world of website maintenance. Anyway, here’s some neat stuff. An AtomFilms series called Hellholes. It’s a made for the internet tv series of sorts consisting of episodes of about 4 minutes each, and it’s really well done. Pretty neat special effects and […]

The Princess Bride

Not as different from the movie as I thought. Some simple differences, and a few of the characters are quite different physically from the actos who played them in the movie (Humperdink, Westley) and the narration part of the story is different, with the narrator of the story being the author talking about being told […]

Helm’s Deep in Candy

[inspic=223,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] This has been making the rounds in the “blogosphere” lately. This past Christmas Vacation my brothers, sister, myself and my girlfriend built a scale replica of the battle of Helms Deep, from the second book of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Two Towers penned by the late, great, J.R.R. Tolkien. Pictures and […]

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