Category Archives: Disturbing

Stuff that is disturbing in some way or another. Odds are that any posts that belong to this and the NSFW category are not for the squeamish

Weight Watchers Recipes Cards from the 70’s

We used to have this kind of stuff lying around my house (the cards, not the food thank god). They were always in bright orange translucent plastic containers, and no one ever seemed to know where they came from. Anyway, go visit to see some more horrors like the “Melon Mousse” and “Rosy Perfection […]

Hellholes AtomFilms series

Sorry for the lack of posting about anything other than the ever exciting world of website maintenance. Anyway, here’s some neat stuff. An AtomFilms series called Hellholes. It’s a made for the internet tv series of sorts consisting of episodes of about 4 minutes each, and it’s really well done. Pretty neat special effects and […]

Freaky Russian Playgrounds

[inspic=198,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Go look at some pictures of weird (and sometimes scary) Russian children’s playgrounds.

Weird ass Nike Commercial

Really, really weird Nike commercial. Just click play, no words will suffice.

Freaky vampiric sea spider

Freaky looking vampire sea spider. “They have a proboscis that’s like a straw that they insert into the animals and suck out the juices,” I’d hate to have one of these things on me… Full story here

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