Category Archives: Comics

Webcomics, comic books, comic book and character related bits


Superman Vs. Batman

A couple of fun videos, then back to work =P

Neat Comic – Gone with the Blastwave

A great comic with somewhat black humor, but beautifully illustrated and really funny. [inspic=179,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Click the banner for the main site or here’s the first comic

X-Men 3

[inspic=72,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] I just finished watching the 3rd X-men movie, X-Men the Last Stand (yeah I know, I live in Japan, things come out a lot later here and I didn’t feel like going to the movie theater to see it by myself anyway) and I enjoyed it overall. There have been a lot of complains […]

Sam and Max Sequel

Looks like this is finally getting made. Sam and Max was released by Lucas Arts way back when and there was a planned sequel with really nice-looking promotional materials floating about the net, but then Lucas Arts canned it. Apparently someone else has bought the rights and… well just go look, trailer on the first […]

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