August 31, 2006 – 1:25 pm
Wish I could do this! Amazing gymnastics video after the jump!
August 28, 2006 – 12:40 pm
The Japanese voice over is (roughly): “Shonyan (mother panda’s name) eats a soybean and bamboo ‘panda ball’ (panda dango) oblivious to the world.” “tyun tyun (baby panda’s name) is dead asleep at her feet, but suddenly…” “Wow that surprised Shonyan!”
August 26, 2006 – 6:20 pm
Two neat, well done webgames created by the same people and which would appear to be set in the same world. Flash has really come a long way. [inspic=61,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Nimian Hunter [inspic=62,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] Nimian Flyer Legends
August 25, 2006 – 12:46 am
So I like Star Trek. Specifically I like Star Trek the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. TNG started me watching Star Trek, because I can’t stand the original series, but I don’t really enjoy rewatching them much anymore and DS9 is my overall favorite series. I’m currently watching through DS9 again before finally seeing […]
August 24, 2006 – 11:55 pm
[inspic=59,leftclear,fullscreen,thumb] A comparison of the sizes of ships from various sci-fi series. Pretty neat if you’ve ever wondered how the Enterprise sized up against an imperial star destroyer. Full size (read: ginormous) images with readable text and explanations at the link below.